
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Drop Electric

I have been wanting to do a post covering a smaller band. Today I was listening to Drop Electric, a band I started listening to this time last year. I actually stumbled across them based on an ad that they were running on Facebook.

These guys are from Washington, D.C. and describe themselves as experimental rock. I would be inclined to compare them to Explosions in the Sky or Mogwai (who just released an EP). They are post rock but not post rock at the same time. They have the ominous guitars with uplifting refrains, profound vocal samplings, and their songs move similar to post rock songs. However, they build much quicker. I think this is the most attractive part of them, they put everything that is good about a 26 minute Mogwai masterpiece into a 7 minute song and then add some other elements to it.

Anyways, I felt moved enough to write this post randomly, so I would definitely urge you to check these guys out. Also from what I could tell, they are pretty into cinematography and their videos reflect it. Here is one from their sampler that is available for free on their Bandcamp

Bandcamp: Spotify:


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